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Here is a little bit about my clients


Take a deep dive on what your results could look like on my programs


Jo’s progress story

Gayle’s progress story

Sam’s progress story

Charlotte’s story

“Danny is really good at motivating clients! I have been a client for just over 7 weeks now and have lost over a stone. Danny will adapt your plans for any goal that you want to achieve." - Katie

Claire’s Story

“I worked with Dan on solely my nutritional needs, in the lead up to the London marathon.

He has definitely provided me with a solid foundation and level of education for any future weight loss goals and has helped me find a good, healthy balance and relationship with my diet.

I wouldn't hesitate to recommend!” Katie

Katy’s story

From running to the end of the street to now running marathons the changes in my health and my relationship with food have been amazing.- Hayley

How I do my check ins with clients