With the scales you are on a rollercoaster of emotions.


Peoples obsession over the scales and being in a deficit could lead you down the wrong path.

Physically and psychological

Weight loss does not always mean faster times!

Being in a large calorie deficit could impact how you look and feel!

Weight loss can lead to a loss in fat-free mass.

So anything which is not fat.

Think about :

✅Muscle mass

✅Bone density

Have a think of how you feel when you are in a big deficit too!

Are injuries from running starting to creep in and you are not recovering?

Plus, is this really going to make you feel happy and more confidant?

Do you want to look toned and lean or skinny?

Retain fat-free mass is important for lots of benefits including:

✅Metabolic health




So if you want to feel and look great aim to not push the deficit too much or for too long!

Whilst being in a deficit, please!

✅Resistance train regularly and try to consume more protein at around 2g per kg!

I honesty get the appeal of being in a big deficit I did this before too, but losing weight does not always define your goal!

It could send you down the wrong path which may not be maintainable then going into a crazy surplus.

Please keep an open mind that weight loss does not always mean success.

My programs are more about fat loss than weight loss!

A big question is what is more important to you?

That number on the scales or how you look and feel?


Transformations in my services is about how people feel and look.

How that dress or jeans that they haven’t worn in so long now fits!

Or when someone comments on how good you are looking!

This means more to me!

If this message has given you some thought to change and you want results right now why not register your interest for my services and I can see what I can do?


Fat loss is 80% mindset 20% diet and exercise.


Exercising more and gaining weight is very common.