Why diet plans don’t work
Do you ever hear about people talking about how a diet plan changed their life?
I did keto and I feel great!
This 90 day shred plan from my instagram guru helped me get in shape!
I did slimming world and it changed my life!
Eating clean is for me. You should try it!!!
Wait wait!
Hold your horses!
Please remember things look pretty desirable!
Maybe too good to be true!
And they usually are!
People are happy to shout from the rooftops when something works.
But never usually when something doesn’t work out!
A meal plan may work for a short period.
Because you are willing to sacrifice to reach your goal.
There is no thought on you which is usually why something may be short lived.
A bit of advice would be do a bit of research first before trying anything and see if it fits your lifestyle and eating habits.
Have a think about a few things here does it relate to any of the below :
Work, Family and Social life? Could this be easy to fit into your busy lifestyle? Does this take you away from any of things you love to do in your lifestyle on a regular basis?
Be honest here, the foods you take away are you craving them?
Do you look forward to every meal or snack?
Is this promoting any cravings?
How is your energy levels and sleep pattern working?
Are you focusing your nutrition habit changes just to a goal?
Is there a part of you that cannot wait until you hit a finish line?
Please remember the points here because this may work for one person you know but this may be a different story with yourself.
What's your experience with diet plans in the past?
Have they worked or has this not been sustainable?
If you have any questions you need support with why not book a call and register your interest into my programs for some information and support.
Speak soon!