Christmas & Weight Loss how you should approach this!
This is something you need to hear about the Christmas period & dieting.
On our social occasions, around the Christmas holidays we need to accept that we will gain body fat.
We will overeat and drink alcohol most probably over a short period.
That’s ok though!
Not accepting this affects your journey
Draw a line, it was probably a good time and move on!
If this is occasionally and you’ve been consistent, and you have one day of indulging where you didn’t have to think about something nutritious, low in calories and high in protein foods.
You just enjoyed the food and moments you had!
It made you feel great and full of energy!
It was great seeing friends and family and indulging together.
Why should this be something to feel bad about a day later?
The biggest thing to master is not feeling guilty.
Moving on and avoiding restriction mode for something you had a good time from!
Avoid waiting until the time is right for again because you feel you have messed up.
You're never on and off a diet because your averages over 3 months, 6 months a year are not going to stop you from getting the results you want!!!
So my tip here is to draw that line and jump back on it but this usually is easier said than done!
It's cold and dark and your sleep pattern may be out.
That alcoholic beverage may have reduced your ambition and with the processed food energy levels can drop too!
There is always a big BUT....
You need to know why your goal is important!
That you still want to feel happy and confident.
You want to maintain all the hard work you have already done!
The choice you made to indulge is important, it creates a life we want to become happy.
But we also want to change our health and bodies too and that can be just as important.
It's probably the reason why balance is something we all want but trying to master this can be very challenging.
Sometimes the hardest part is the first step around drawing that line after we have indulged.
It does require effort but then the delayed reward starts to kick in a few hours to a couple of days after.
You are back on board, and you are glad you had taken the time to pick yourself up when things got a little hard.
Sometimes accomplishing these tasks of indulging over the festive period make you stronger too!
Think about it this way to help you …
Instead of the people who decided to roll over and wait for the time which was right for them, you didn't!
A number of things I feel can really promote a yo- yo dieting pattern over the festive period comes from 2 points here.
1. Saying I will wait until the time is right in January pushing you further away from your goal and digging a deeper hole usually promotes further restrictions later down the line because you are not happy and want to get away from the place you are in as quickly as possible.
2. Avoiding any Christmas celebration because you want to reach your weight loss goal. Only for this to be masked for a period instead of solving the real issue. Taking things away for a period is only going to make you want it even more. The binge will come with overeating episodes which promote an unhealthy relationship.
So a question I want you to ask me is this...
Are you willing to STOP this from happening again for another year?
Are you willing to avoid the 2 points brought up and start to change right now?
Are you willing to take the sustainable way which makes you still enjoy the life you want to live without the painful ride you put yourself down when you start a diet or exercise plan?
Well listen up....
I am wanting to promote more of this in my Lean and Healthy in 6 program starting January.
I will be there to educate you, so you are less likely to become confused about what foods to eat and what exercise program to follow.
Hold you accountable every day and give you reassurance and support
Whilst having a program which works with you and avoids just one method.
Someone who listens to what habits you have and creates a program related to your lifestyle.
You get fast results which are maintained and are life changing!
Programs are ready to open soon in December register your interest here and put your name onto my waiting list if you are ready to change.
Excited for next year now!